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第一部分:电磁兼容基础+ O+ r& t9 X4 b# K3 @& Q
Part 1 EMC basic knowledge
) O# i* g/ e3 e# ]3 d% C1.电磁兼容概述6 n- i0 g3 X9 I" n, Y0 i* ^
1. Overview of EMC# ?; Z5 T- W+ p! r! s4 q# i
1.1 电磁兼容的定义0 B( U# |( s. p7 `1 `
1.1 Definition of EMC
9 D' H' \& q3 i* @; B5 |1.2 电磁兼容的研究领域4 f) T; h$ r# E; n( x6 T4 I) u
1.2 Research area of EMC
, t; k# D. M1 y0 m. h1.3 实施电磁兼容的目的+ {' r2 K" h9 q1 v, B
1.3 Purpose of conducting EMC
) [/ C7 T; \2 }/ y, c9 V* Z2.电磁兼容发展动态! E; U- h" f* ]2 N; c0 Z# z
2. Dynamic state of EMC development
6 {4 O& y. `( \! q2.1 国内外电磁兼容发展动态
$ G- y5 M! h; L8 k0 Q2.1 Domestic and abroad EMC development& [6 W3 g& S, ^+ e$ n
2.2 世界主要国家、地区的电磁兼容管理情况$ V% J4 H2 v* t% f8 X1 A
2.2 State of EMC management of mAIn countries and areas; [) l7 @# {" B; O
2.3 国内EMC的发展与3C认证的EMC要求3 L4 z6 z5 ?2 J }7 m. W
2.3 EMC development in China and EMC requirement for CCC6 K# r+ z$ m0 ^2 _$ j5 v/ S% Z; t
3.电磁兼容理论基础# Z) V3 \6 Z8 { l& z1 {
3. Theoretical principle of EMC7 f* v! I$ T0 i' H5 W+ X
3.1 基本名词术语
: F4 P- D0 P6 q, T4 N" A& L3.1 Vocabulary of terms
2 p |& w, O6 k6 V. _# {/ S3.2 电磁兼容测试中常用单位/ X" s D0 b; Q& r3 b i; g7 D
3.2 Staple units in EMC tests0 k0 ~4 N% m7 f) M7 X7 I
3.3 电磁干扰形成的三要素; K' `& Z: D+ q+ k0 [
3.3 Three elements of forming EMC% a# D6 r; E1 U0 d _ P
3.4 电磁骚扰源的特性
8 [ f) `- L! c5 S3.4 Speciality of electromagnetic disturbance source' T$ {1 f: Y: ~1 c) B' o
3.5 电磁骚扰传播特性3 u, h+ l2 g3 i- g# G
3.5 Spreading speciality of electromagnetic disturbance3 i* k ~7 O4 W2 U& l
4.电磁兼容标准及其认证( a0 d6 |6 g; ^3 [# T# f+ O2 R
4. EMC standards and certification
+ [, i/ U1 F" b$ N) N5 r4.1 电磁兼容标准及组织- C# p6 a/ B @9 H1 l4 v
4.1 EMC standards and organization
, F, q$ p9 V( U4.2 世界主要国家、地区EMC质量管理简介
% T* |/ b# v$ W" c- B4.2 EMC quality management of main countries and areas
# r" _4 J' L6 X' I4 [* ]$ Y+ N4.3 我国电磁兼容的质量管理及认证(含3C认证)0 f e" q2 A3 j3 Z* c, `5 B
4.3 EMC quality management and certification in China (including CCC)( p" S8 q4 {& o, Q8 O% Q5 ^
第二部分:电磁兼容测试2 V; x) f0 Q& U% |. [$ p
Part 2 EMC tests
. n, k1 l& \; ] C9 I% U1 电磁兼容主要测试场地+ L2 \# t+ E4 q, G6 C
1 Main test sites of EMC* o! d/ B) |. q, m4 `8 `; z
2 电磁骚扰测量的主要检测仪器和设备
8 @7 i- A5 W' d! o4 X$ w. c2 Main instruments and equipments of EMI
. }# {$ x3 h' ]' c3 电磁抗扰度测量的主要检测仪器和设备, r, o8 r% a' j" h( ]" b( N! d9 F
3 Main instruments and equipments of EMS: s) {) z- L U
4 电磁骚扰测试项目及方法
/ R. x- }# B& ?1 G0 p4 Test items and methods of EMI
- M. Z0 ~- O9 [3 N5 电磁抗扰度测试项目及方法
9 S" |8 Q' H; w N9 D5 Test items and methods of EMI
# N, S, p$ k$ `: c# ]' s第三部分:如何顺利通过电磁兼容试验6 @! v7 G2 b; W! N+ l, S
Part 3 How to pass EMC tests favorably* x G8 Z! ]1 y1 c3 \, g
1.概述$ a; F) _" P: h% W8 K( ~# s
1. Overview1 ]7 G$ V8 r. R' C! s3 J& y0 A" v. s
1.1 什么时候需要电磁兼容整改及对策/ D) F3 F4 I/ r) S) c* H
1.1 When are EMC countermeasures needed?: `* w6 l% C8 T- k6 G; W
1.2 常见的电磁兼容整改措施
: `3 i: r! x6 V6 U1.2 Staple EMC corrective actions
}: Q3 S0 D8 t% \2.电磁骚扰发射测试常见问题对策及整改措施1 e, }8 a9 v: R
2. Staple problems and corrective actions in EMI tests
3 O. N. |# i' p( P# B2.1 电子、电气产品内的主要电磁骚扰源. ^9 {6 n9 T w6 D; p! N- Y
2.1 Main EMI source in electronic and electric products" w: _1 C4 b; ], h( B3 e: v' n) ^
2.2 骚扰源定位
5 K! N, m( n2 S7 f5 l1 T2.2 EMI source localization
/ x# ^. b3 D5 f5 U2.3 电子、电气产品连续传导发射超标问题及对策
2 w! A0 g; N$ l2.3 Continuous conducted emissions tests fail and countermeasures
$ ^' h. \/ k: ]* S) K, A2.4电子、电气产品断续传导发射超标问题及对策
3 ~3 U4 M' X$ [2.4 Discontinuous conducted emissions tests fail and countermeasures
! S, [8 c+ K6 s3 l/ ~* c- c4 [& R2.5 电子、电气产品辐射骚扰超标问题及对策& n* L2 g; t7 T5 s9 u' p
2.5 Radiation emissions tests fail and countermeasures+ T, l o: N! }4 X, H
2.6 骚扰功率干扰的产生和对策. z& A& t& i0 [2 d5 _
2.6 Disturbance power tests fail and countermeasures) f g. f' e$ i; H& Z. X! U6 Q9 T
2 n9 y9 W1 A& t: t3 N3. Staple problems and corrective actions in harmonic current tests. U, \- l/ ~$ h l& a8 a
3.1测量标准介绍( c8 P4 z3 }$ T( ^, f9 ?0 Z* e
3.1 Introduction of standards/ Q0 o3 I% K+ F; k# B/ r; ^
3.2 谐波电流发射的基本对策
- e- H& |8 A" c7 K1 @+ c3.2 Basic countermeasures for hARMonic current
3 ` E! z% t) I6 o( c* I# h, j3.3 低频谐波电流抑制滤波解决方案* G; k9 D# @% o) u
3.3 Solutions of restraining low-frequency harmonic current by filtering
5 a: w$ N, f3 X4 j0 J3.4 主动PFC解决方案* \6 F9 X: o' ^7 v6 y+ F
3.4 Active PFC solutions- u6 n. ]# M' J6 d/ L) f+ |
3.5 谐波问题的其它对策
5 L1 P; [! }" P4 H# i3.5 Other countermeasures for harmonic current- y8 W" m- ^" q+ J
6 l$ o- I0 j W4. Staple problems and corrective actions in transient pulse tests
+ P" B. p, }( Y4.1 综述6 y7 h0 G! B& c s& f) Z) f/ X
4.1 Overview
0 U$ t( J7 u8 ~+ `4.2 静电放电抗扰度测试常见问题对策及整改措施1 Y. B6 k: k; Z" p7 f
4.2 Staple problems and corrective actions in ESD tests
9 j6 V: T" S! Z; J4.3 电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度测试常见问题对策及整改措施
! T. |3 U+ i: I. T/ X4.3 Staple problems and corrective actions in EFT tests
' v, n/ P6 C& u+ H4.4 浪涌冲击抗扰度测试常见问题对策及整改措施
2 ?, r# e, R8 D0 X, R4.4 Staple problems and corrective actions in surge tests- M' D, l& B% c5 u9 `
4 }% H* O, z+ b- G5. EMI and EMS of power frequency(low Frequency)
6 p. M0 G3 p. \/ h5.1 工频电磁辐射的危害9 N7 t: p. j' n, f! @' p! C" I
5.1 Harm of electromagnetic radiation
" [! `1 H# t: W* w P5.2 用电设备与工频(低频)场电磁干扰4 I6 R' }! K8 r( g
5.2 Utilization equipments and power frequency(low Frequency)electromagnetic disturbance
& g: { r, i1 s# x: ~5.3 用电设备的低频电磁发射及对策
& n9 q2 C: Z# \$ k$ u9 e6 l" g) C0 ^5.3 Low-frequency electromagnetic radiation and countermeasures of utilization equipment
1 F1 Q: z, d6 k0 N- E! }. \( j" U+ t5.4用电设备的工频抗扰度问题及对策$ g5 f3 N/ i2 X3 u: P
5.4 power frequency immunity of utilization equipment
* [1 k8 P9 M3 N! K7 S+ [第四部分:滤波电路及开关电源的电磁兼容设计
7 z( Q5 D& |& T! d+ @' e9 jPart 4 Filter circuit and EMC designation of switching power supply
( \' ~: k: g/ j& v0 O1.滤波电路设计
5 S0 F& v) ~" Q- A- ?; @5 F1. Designation of filter circuit+ w% e: [ \" Z# Z ~( V( J
1.1 滤波器的分类及特性+ I( z8 h4 w: O
1.1 classification and speciality of filters
/ d5 R: N$ g8 J0 W4 z K) J2 [1.2 滤波电路的设计
4 a: p; [3 j, ^ _; N5 Q1.2 Designation of filter circuit
' p `% O7 N% u% o1.3 滤波器的选择、安装和使用0 L0 Z7 f! D. k }
1.3 Selection, installation and use of filters+ e l# K$ V0 a8 n
# h& ?6 [( i! R) L, N2. EMC designation of switching power supply+ x: I* d$ A- H. n0 Q
2.1 开关电源工作原理及电磁骚扰来源
7 M; f9 x" U# J" M; K6 C2.1 Operating principle and EMI source of switching power supply" P7 {& \& [1 t* F! S
2.2 电磁兼容标准对开关电源的要求
+ V! C8 `6 D% ^% Y2.2 Requirements for switching power supply in EMC standards
5 L& r9 j7 g' {0 N2.3开关电源电磁骚扰的抑制措施
1 S1 N; l6 ]& ]8 J( Z2.3 EMI suppression of switching power supply
v$ R) J- k; \8 r第五部分:AV产品3C认证EMC检测问题与对策
+ [7 ?& b3 b) C5 T4 ?Part 5 Problems and countermeasures in CCC tests for AV products
4 c6 E# q8 N( t+ a: b1.关于3C认证7 M( z- Y( T8 R
1. About CCC
# L& N, ]! w2 _+ v4 c$ }4 D D8 j2.AV认证检测中常见电磁兼容问题与对策
/ C( F0 V1 [% K8 u' z" f" K& T: h( E) R2. Staple EMC problems and countermeasures of AV product/ K" M! c' j$ Y: e% t4 S
' ^* ]8 H+ Q0 |& P0 Z3 U% G3. Staple EMC problems and countermeasures of IT product
& r o1 Q9 V3 o, d# S4.影响检测进度的非技术问题
W9 t$ G8 }# p4 D: d0 i8 L4. Nontechnical problems which affect test tempi
$ W' J# T8 s% T; v& B& x& o第六部分:现场答疑和交流
! P& i/ C& d9 Z/ Z% p. sPart 6 Consultion and intercommunion
: X% b3 O9 V' s
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; A& x6 Y9 U1 T, z9 V3 J; }
4 P$ ]+ H! U5 z. R' \& W# I
8 l' f' A' D. c* x' o |