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Version 23.5.1Build: 21 Date: 18 May 2023 Schematic52479 | For multi-channel designs, the index of the channel was being added after the suffix in diff pair net labels, causing them to no longer be treated as a diff pair. ( BC:19519) | 52766 | The Convert Cross Junctions tool would sometimes create manual junctions, which are no longer a supported object type. | 53444 | For a specific multi-channel design, the index of the channel was being added before the suffix in diff pair net labels, with ECO changing the diff pair net names. | 54365 | The PNG graphics for alternate parts were not being generated when creating a PDF of schematic prints from an Output Job. | 54426 | In the scripting system API's ISch_Document inte RFace, using SchDoc.IsLibrary would lead to the error "Undeclared Identifier:IsLibrary" being encountered. | 54656 | In some cases when working with a schematic document, the error "EOleException: Ö¸¶¨µÄ²ÎÊýÒѳ¬³öÓÐЧֵµÄ·¶Î§¡£ ²ÎÊýÃû: Unhandled value for TUnit: eDXP" would be encountered. | 55224 | In some cases, an Access Violation (at address 000000013F274036 in module "ExtensionManager.DLL") would be encountered. | PCB51492 | In some cases when working in the PCB document, the error "EInvalidAccessToObject: Object accessed after being destroyed" would be encountered. | 52518 | Added support for defining Custom Thermal Relief connection points for pads and vias. | 53554 | Section View functionality is now available when viewing a PCB in 3D. | 53650 | In some cases, the error "EInvalidAccessToObject: Object accessed after being destroyed" would be encountered. | 54361 | When running a batch DRC including Signal Integrity rules, an Access Violation (in module altium.PCB.DataModel.X.dll) would be encountered. | 54372 | Pin contour information was not being included for custom pad shapes in generated ODB++ data. ( BC:20552) | 54577 | Added the option "Preserve route path" to the Retrace Parameters region of the Gloss And Retrace panel which, when enabled, preserves the exact trace geometry during Retrace. ( BC:20402) | 54630 | The "Apply to Polygon Pour" option was missing from the Creepage design rule when defining rules in the Constraint Editor's document view. ( BC:20587) | 54747 | Repouring of polygons would take a lot longer if logo graphics had been added to the Top and/or Bottom copper layers. ( BC:20171) | 54819 | When viewing the Assembly Drawing output (in an OutJob) through the new Print Preview dialog, the display of some mechanical layers was being mixed up. | 54865 | Optimized and increased performance when dragging vias, especially in large designs. | 54883 | Optimized and increased performance when removing net classes, especially in large designs. | 54901 | For a specific design, closing the PCB document resulted in an Access Violation (at address 000000016831354C in module "ADVPCB.DLL"). | 54908 | Optimized and increased performance when making changes to and saving the layer stack, especially in large designs. | 55124 | When opening a PCB containing pads with Slot Hole Size > Length, the error "Assertion failure (D:\Build\X2\Main\x2\rtl.epd\RT_Geometry.pas, line 13723)" would be encountered. ( BC:20897) | Multi-board54408 | When importing changes from a child PCB project into the parent multi-board project, Mated Parts/Pins data was being cleared instead of updated. | Draftsman50911 | When copying a callout in a specific Draftsman document, the error "System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object" would be encountered. | 51398 | The Description field in a placed Drill Table was not being correctly populated with the description defined in a Pad/Via Template. | 54549 | In some cases when reconnecting an RDP session during board update, the error "SharpDX.SharpDXException" would be encountered. | Harness Design53134 | Accelerator keys have been added to the menu entries for harness design objects (in Wiring Diagram and Layout Drawing), facilitating placement using shortcut keys. | 53510 | The 'Clear Filter' command is now available on the right-click context menu in both Wiring Diagram and Layout Drawing documents. | 53566 | Added a new Harness Covering object for use in the Layout Drawing to place covers over bundles with the ability to tune the length of the cover graphically. | 53577 | When using Ctrl+Z to undo movement of a connector in the Layout Drawing, the graphical link between that connector and its connection point was not being included in the undo. | 53665 | Support is now available for adding user-defined parameters to a Connection Point object in the Layout Drawing. | 53766 | The Edit » Select » Connection command was not functioning correctly in the Wiring Diagram and Layout Drawing editors. | 53850 | Support is now available for adding user-defined parameters to a Layout Label object in the Layout Drawing. | 53851 | Added ability to define the background color for a Layout Label object in the Layout Drawing. | 54315 | When attempting to cross-probe from the BOM document to the Layout Drawing, the error "The method or operation is not implemented" would be encountered. | 54350 | Added Designator and Comment properties to the Harness Bundle object in the Layout Drawing. | 54500 | Multi-line text is now supported for the Layout Label object in the Layout Drawing. ( BC:20469) | 54576 | For the Draftsman Connection Table object, column names WireDesignator, WireColor and WireLength have been renamed to Designator, Color and Length, to align with BOM and Wiring List tables. | 54740 | In nested multi-board projects, a harness project would always import data from the top-level multi-board project instead of the multi-board project to which it was associated. | 55008 | Updated the icons associated with the Harness Bundle, Connection Point and Layout Label objects in the Layout Drawing. | Platform54553 | In some cases when accessing the Home page, the error "System.Exception: Cef.Shutdown must be called on the same thread that Cef.Initialize was called" would be encountered. | 54690 | In some cases, Altium Designer would be terminated by Windows if the file "Project Group 1.DsnWrk" was not accessible. | 54818 | Menu entries for creating a VB Script Unit/Form were not presented when enabling the Legacy.Scripts.SupportOldLanguages Advanced Settings option. | 54840 | Altium Designer would terminate when trying to create a new PCB project and including the extension (*.prjpcb) as part of the project's name. | Data Management52525 | The menu to create a new project based on active process definitions (workflows) was not visible when the Home page was the active document tab. | 52975 | With File Locking enabled, using the "Revert to" feature from a Commit event tile in the project's History view would result in an error. | 53462 | It is now possible to add a comment with an image to a General Task. | 54252 | Commit tag and release names are now displayed for comments when accessed in Altium Designer. | 54506 | In some cases when using the Library Importer, the exception "System.Exception: Get component type tag list error" would be encountered. | 54542 | In some cases when opening a managed project, the error "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" would be encountered. | 54554 | In some cases, the error "System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" would be encountered. | 54666 | For a specific design project and Git repository, the preparation stage when using the Project Releaser would take over three minutes. | 54692 | When scrolling through the list of templates in the Edit Templates dialog, links to Component Types were being removed from the Component Templates. | 54752 | An "Access Denied" error would be encountered when opening a document of a Workspace project, while connected to a different Workspace (not the one in which that project resides). | 54764 | In some cases when adding a Part Choice to a component in the Single Component Editor, connection to the Workspace would be lost and the error "Vault is disabled" would be encountered. | 54832 | The redundant 'Install from server' and 'Edit' controls have been removed from the Data Management - File-based Libraries page of the Preferences dialog. | 54844 | It was not possible to define a component type for a component template that had no name. | 54855 | It was not possible to fully migrate, with history, a rehosted Workspace (that used an external SVN repository) to the Altium 365 Workspace's native Git repository (Versioned Storage). | 54869 | The Save All command on the right-click context menu for a project's Source Documents entry (in the Projects panel) was not available after having modified a source document. ( BC:20766) | 54875 | When switching component templates for a component in the Component Editor (SCE mode), required parameters from the previously chosen template were still shown as mandatory. ( BC:20772) | Import/Export52872 | When importing a specific xpedition library using the Import Wizard, 3D bodies with a height of 0mm were incorrectly set to a height of 0.254mm (10mils) in the resulting PcbLib. | 54089 | In some cases when importing orcad and PADS designs/libraries using the Import Wizard, an Access Violation (in module "Importer_PADSOrcad.IWZ") would be encountered. | 54093 | In some cases when importing OrCAD designs/libraries using the Import Wizard, an Access Violation (in module "Orcad7ld.dll") would be encountered. | 54657 | In some cases when importing a 99SE design database (*.ddb), the error "EOleException: Compilation controller doesn't exist" would be encountered. | Simulation54101 | Added support for interactive probes to investigate a circuit and see real-time updates to the data in the generated SDF file. ( BC:19869) | 54434 | A redundant and partially visible control at the bottom of the Measurement Plot dialog has been removed. | 54435 | When viewing measurement data in a Measurement Table (chart), the horizontal scrollbar was not working correctly. | 54493 | A redundant verification was being performed when switching between the analysis results and the Schematic document. | 54520 | The redundant option "Show Sim Data panel" has been removed from the Document Options dialog for the Sim Data Viewer. | 54589 | Added support for multi-bit DAC and RAM Pspice digital model primitives (and their related timing models) and Bidirectional Transfer Gate PSpice digital model primitives (PBTG, NBTG). | 54716 | In some cases when working with the Sim Data Viewer, the error "EOutOfResources: Error creating window device context" would be encountered. | 55025 | When trying to print from an SDF file containing multi-variable analysis results, errors would be encountered along with some waveforms not visible in the print preview. | 55056 | Variable R, L and C components in a sub-circuit were not being processed correctly when running a transient analysis, leading to an error in the format "unknown controlling source edq.c". | 2 W% {! 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