To make connections to a bus, you label the bus, label the7 {: W c/ ?8 Z- J% A: h9 q( ^
signals that are members of the bus, and assign an alias to
9 O! e) u" _( N0 m* neach signal entering and leaving the bus. Each signal bears. t; z+ @1 \- k! H' w, h, L
an alias that is within the bus range. For example, if the bus
8 }9 y+ g, t: v& r# ualias is ADDR[0..3], the four bus members must bear aliases
$ o7 k2 Y8 K$ FADDR0, ADDR1, ADDR2, and ADDR3.8 u- l9 g3 Y* E9 E4 Q8 w* x8 U
) s* e! U( u: l l8 ]
[ 本帖最后由 numbdemon 于 2008-2-28 16:40 编辑 ] |