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[Cadence Sigrity] 关于Allegro转PADS问题?

  • TA的每日心情

    2021-12-27 15:33
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2019-1-21 16:59 | 只看该作者
    5 a1 W  C" E0 f
    我也遇到同样的问题。我使用的是16.6和PADS VX.0。我的解决方法是把PCB名字里面的下划线和小数点去掉就可以了。下面是我的报错信息:0 s" V: Y7 P( g5 G7 G
    Command > skill load "dfl_main.il"% t' G, `: L" k; V9 j" R% w
    Command > main out
    : |1 Y! Z$ `, wPlease wait...extracting and processing technology file7 {; T% C9 h8 S" r& M7 d
    Converting techfile...
    # ?' d* ?. {9 `Executing command C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/L_P20 V1.1_MGC/Work\techconv.bat( C$ v: i! Z6 l3 n" D/ S  Q+ p
    Error: Techfile conversion failed!
    3 o1 P2 W$ V1 L8 }7 r2 H/ `4 Q% yDeleting Existing Classes File" ~! s( X1 W: J
    Deleting Existing Props File; i3 z, _& p( w7 W' w
    Deleting Existing Board Items File  O; o8 S# ^7 j, b1 M1 T
    Exporting Electrical Constraints...# O" M) b+ O+ R' b0 g7 k
    extracting device files
    $ e; g# W( s  q7 \# sError: create_devices command failed!7 e3 c) e2 h7 N6 u
    extracting Net Properties0 @5 Y& E. C7 o* @) M8 i- E. e) J" J/ v
    Loading axlcore.cxt # z+ @% h% K" T9 D! G7 j: b
    E- Cannot open script file; 'C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/L_P20.scr' does not exist.
    ' I! ?; Q$ V' i1 @' |E- *Error* get/getq: first arg must be either symbol, list, defstruct or user type - 0
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-9-8 15:07
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2019-3-27 17:38 | 只看该作者
    我也遇到同样的问题,提示如下:: g% ]. u! J, m% u
    ERROR: Techfile conversion failed!$ |7 [+ Y0 U/ R+ z* \* e' j
    WARNING:Net(s) have MIN_NECK_WIDTH property set, value will be ignored!0 v' n* C; S3 F
    WARNING: layer BOTTOM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!- P( a4 R% m, ^- x/ ^( }3 C! n
    WARNING: layer TOP not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!
      u% s0 `1 S3 m6 F5 QWARNING:  No route border found, bounding box used!4 `5 c1 L' C, ^0 S. S; E; a0 p
    ERROR: no data issued for clearance DEFAULT! i- X9 g% Y- V8 y8 J
    WARNING: layer SOLDERMASK_TOP not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!
    ; I7 O! u9 x$ M! M# |& X' RWARNING: layer SOLDERMASK_BOTTOM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!* I: `, C8 w: r9 U# {
    WARNING: layer PASTEMASK_TOP not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!( d  s% L! Z; T
    WARNING: layer PASTEMASK_BOTTOM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!$ K9 p& g- b2 f; K$ c
    WARNING: layer FILMMASKTOP not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!8 b4 u# E# E0 d6 f! }
    WARNING: layer FILMMASKBOTTOM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!
    $ Z8 h! i5 v* u8 j& i) m$ cERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMD-RCT-0_81X0_96 - layer problems. O; v2 G% y% Q
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMD-RCT-1_2X1_625 - layer problems
    + n+ ?' b! f7 p- x9 `9 RERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMD-SQU-0_8 - layer problems& V1 Y, @" H/ H) J
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMD-RCT-0_8X1 - layer problems
    ( [4 L5 @* C, gERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMD-RCT-0_5X1_11 - layer problems# F  u& G* g/ R
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMD-RCT-0_8X1_11 - layer problems
    6 U$ g- `2 j) C$ X2 MERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMD-RCT-0_32X1_8 - layer problems
    7 {  [8 x& {  x7 M" ^. p5 C0 t! M2 p1 Q* VERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD-C-0_5 - layer problems
    # [8 f5 t& U: O1 Y8 z  G/ xERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMD-RCT-1_016X1_27 - layer problems
    % ]) J) L6 S) aERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMD-SQ1_016 - layer problems
    4 F. ^; z0 ]1 t0 K* u# C9 F5 ~ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMD-RCT-0_812X0_965 - layer problems
    7 O+ C3 z$ b5 uERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMD-RCT-1_8X1_1 - layer problems5 w/ f2 a: T( y% Y) M. ^2 K4 V- x
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD-C-1_32 - layer problems
    7 T! D# G+ x( D6 a! RERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMD-RCT-2_2X0_7 - layer problems
    , m! o0 S  X. C3 P; D6 O" iERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMD-RCT-0_7X2_2 - layer problems
    - I3 n1 h1 ]( c" A( [7 {& Y. r$ KERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD-C-1_0P3_0S - layer problems* d4 i% z8 ^: g6 [  @* o1 f
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMD_RCT_0-5X0-55 - layer problems
    6 c# M: f9 p5 M9 [5 {; AERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMD-RCT-0_5X0_55 - layer problems
    # p* ~& u) S9 a( W: t. M; ?8 eERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD-C-0_8NPT_mtg - layer problems
    0 y5 K! s" s8 v1 I, |$ HERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD-C1_2NPT - layer problems
    - q$ Z# b. Q1 u4 TERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD-C2_3P4UP - layer problems' E6 K0 L: j) u: Z1 t
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack VIA12H22_via - layer problems
    - n( i0 X6 p7 m4 `; q6 VERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack VIA16H26_via - layer problems
    7 x: ^' N  r  V! Q. d/ kERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD-OB1_4X4_2 - layer problems5 j8 \5 i: }* U
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack VIA12H22_via - layer problems2 j: G6 x8 M2 {9 J) @
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack VIA16H26_via - layer problems
    % p1 K! Y% I0 }% w3 LWARNING: layer internal_pad_def not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!  Y1 Z* n/ q& f9 Q
    WARNING: layer ~TSM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!6 ~3 T# Z! A" i: p7 O8 ^$ |+ U6 E
    WARNING: layer ~BSM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!3 B5 N5 S) o; m& o; o) {2 j
    WARNING: layer ~TPM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!" M4 U* _5 \8 r# S, z# e2 [
    WARNING: layer ~BPM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!
    4 H0 k7 B5 M+ G% y) d1 R' ^WARNING: layer ~TFM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!
    # g  s& E& s8 P) xWARNING: layer ~BFM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!5 C+ Y9 i& M4 L& t2 e8 n! D
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-9-8 15:07
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2019-3-27 17:39 | 只看该作者
    dzkcool 发表于 2015-3-9 17:36; A# o' P* j0 X" g- M/ g  P
    ( F! g' p* k- ~) e
    8 N/ }, N: r9 l+ Y6 N2 V
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-2-21 15:59
  • 签到天数: 313 天


    发表于 2019-3-28 07:58 | 只看该作者
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-8-20 15:51
  • 签到天数: 91 天


    发表于 2020-3-9 15:51 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 yahoboy 于 2020-3-9 15:52 编辑 3 H+ O) K% R% b- m0 M
    ( q# h# t1 b8 c) V8 u! K
    ERROR: Techfile conversion failed!
    $ l( ~: G" I. g5 w5 TWARNING: layer TOP not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!9 Q4 F9 `; H) f8 g" u
    WARNING: layer BOTTOM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!
    : K8 Q& Y8 B6 `* q6 i) s. R6 yERROR: no data issued for clearance DEFAULT
    : ]1 b( f- i5 q, t& h/ ^WARNING: layer SOLDERMASK_TOP not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!
    8 }7 S- w$ x5 d, C4 `WARNING: layer SOLDERMASK_BOTTOM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!. z  \& p6 z# t
    WARNING: layer PASTEMASK_TOP not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!* V$ `5 A7 o8 C4 ^& _) |( s6 c
    WARNING: layer PASTEMASK_BOTTOM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!8 K, o/ G# o* l0 f; s9 b
    WARNING: layer FILMMASKTOP not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!
    * w8 \& c# D6 }% D3 F1 S' R' WWARNING: layer FILMMASKBOTTOM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!4 v4 n4 X* C. k' A& c7 E4 o5 c
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD3 - layer problems
    7 I3 }- v' X4 L9 UERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD1 - layer problems
    + y0 m$ J7 ]6 t& oERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD2 - layer problems4 z! H* O+ v  i7 |! N+ P7 C% I
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD4 - layer problems4 ~1 Z  T2 q; W
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD5 - layer problems
    / J" O; c9 {5 q8 n' LERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD7 - layer problems# e7 b0 J& P1 v4 L7 K# W. R* L8 B
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD6 - layer problems+ L  j+ E0 _' M+ J- y
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD8 - layer problems; ?2 I2 D7 F: ?4 C) S
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack V16X8_via - layer problems- ?. R9 y& }& z1 ^' b
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack V15X8_via - layer problems) O. p! p8 k4 U( h- ?0 D6 Y
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R3R50X3R00 - layer problems
    ! X3 D. y$ ?, K  X9 p% K9 JERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_S1R00 - layer problems
    " c7 Z6 ]- X* eERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R0R95X1R30 - layer problems
    * X8 U/ X( A3 y# ?2 yERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R1R40X1R60 - layer problems8 R+ a4 J( s6 K+ k& w0 N5 z
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R1R80X2R00 - layer problems
    8 `+ n! U1 P3 \5 EERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SHAPEESD0402_R - layer problems; [; O4 M, l; K7 T  ]
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SHAPEESD0402_L - layer problems% Y( V$ ]! `- C  \
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R0R965X0R80 - layer problems& {: \% i& W, V/ R
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack P_O2R00X0R60_O3R50X1R50 - layer problems- M* D) \& z$ }
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack P_C2R20_C2R20_NP - layer problems$ z6 ?% _* M* e- y
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack P_O2R00X0R80_3R50X1R80 - layer problems9 q1 I/ r7 {1 Z2 q
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack P_O1R10X0R45_O2R10X1R45 - layer problems& A: _# D/ Y: _  o2 z- J5 B6 @0 G
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack P_C0R65_O1R40X1R25 - layer problems  i4 J' N; ^( _% `  U0 P1 n
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R1R40X0R40 - layer problems
    0 a' P" n" j9 H( r7 ]$ V* aERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack P_C0R80_C0R80_NP - layer problems+ K0 C3 b  H1 Z  ]9 N% M/ I5 V
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R1R50X4R00 - layer problems
    0 b7 Y: {/ I3 ?& o! R7 N0 b$ BERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R3R40X1R30 - layer problems5 P! w: E, i* v# W4 f( b
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R0R70X2R00 - layer problems
    7 q, u6 g1 W: ]. Z9 R! kERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R1R00X1R20 - layer problems
    , X; K+ l/ E. w  |! wERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack MARK_C1R00_C2R30NP - layer problems
    3 A8 d, l/ ~0 z. s  xERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R0R80X1R10 - layer problems
    ( f# c0 ^" l9 c. kERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R0R65X0R80 - layer problems
    6 T, m% U  i" c4 SERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_C0R70 - layer problems
    $ a% w3 a) w8 b3 Z& }; h; U) IERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_C1R00 - layer problems
    ( g1 m& y( L5 e7 v) tERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R0R70X1R00 - layer problems8 l- F5 z6 O9 H: q. v# ^- m
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_O0R70X1R00 - layer problems% Y3 D4 Q* E. k9 W+ T- v% @, u# h
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R1R10X0R60 - layer problems* f! `7 J7 F0 T( V: n! ^
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_O1R10X0R60 - layer problems
    % ~! L+ v# b5 bERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_C0R38 - layer problems7 H1 K4 o  }$ d% Y4 F
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R0R30X1R80 - layer problems1 n7 p6 k; u- j+ N! E: v$ d$ K
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R1R40X1R20 - layer problems
    : U2 P7 ~' N% S* |" d9 RERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_C0R35 - layer problems6 }4 c& F* H( F+ g' @
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R0R80X0R90 - layer problems) ?. S7 i, l. P+ M
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_S0R55 - layer problems
    0 P3 P8 m! S2 D- x1 pERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_S0R50 - layer problems! P1 t9 r. N2 M3 n# U
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack 0402_via - layer problems
    : f/ D% U4 L9 \8 FERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack 0503_via - layer problems
    , y  U8 S, v& N/ m, U/ _1 l" f2 \: ]ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack 03502 - layer problems
    & l. s+ ^# P# X6 F# vERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R0R80X2R90 - layer problems4 z+ u% A) ]5 U  a) V5 u
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack P_C0R85_R1R45_P - layer problems
    2 M. o  H" ?" f$ TERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack P_C0R85_C1R45_P - layer problems" g" d* K3 [/ h: u
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R2R20X6R00 - layer problems* p) V  N' ^" a* O" q
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R1R80X0R75 - layer problems
    $ n) U+ x4 C, R6 x, N6 _0 w, X5 \ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R1R70X1R00 - layer problems
    1 b  C1 x, u) y" e% z, mERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R0R72X0R52 - layer problems
    ) i: g0 i- Z0 [ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SHAPE_C1R025_C1R625 - layer problems
    7 @0 Y. L9 n; s9 s/ aERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_S4R15 - layer problems
    % I6 `. j9 L7 |6 mERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R0R20X0R50 - layer problems. }, L# Q: E7 S- S4 E+ p8 X# R  I
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_0R50X0R20 - layer problems  D$ b) y" U* C3 r) h% |
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R1R00X0R25 - layer problems
    ' E3 U- G! t+ z' `# f: g& MERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R3R60X6R40 - layer problems7 H* }0 @( }( N) f6 ~; d
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack 0402PAD - layer problems" `. n& M" J2 Q5 G
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R0R50X1R00 - layer problems4 k# w1 Y$ h8 p
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_S1R90 - layer problems
    2 R2 s! K( K' T( v3 h; `ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R1R80X0R95 - layer problems
    ) m. `$ r* K9 `9 g3 \! }( F! o4 [ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R0R90X0R80 - layer problems
    0 G; R' [( S. {7 g' F* l4 _( lERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack P_O1R10X0R65_O2R10X1R45 - layer problems
    : A2 x4 E2 Z: ^: t9 e: {( uERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack P_C0R65_O1R50X1R25 - layer problems
    5 c3 s6 E+ f  C4 v% A+ @ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R1R00X1R27 - layer problems9 e0 Z9 A- H0 }3 O. g/ \
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack P_C1R05_C1R65 - layer problems
    8 w1 A9 _2 ]7 Y, [- R  VERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R0R60X0R80 - layer problems* X6 z; i: y3 k( }. @, V
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R1R20X1R70 - layer problems4 T$ W% S" ?! Y, U
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R3R10X2R31 - layer problems
    ( e  b9 F- m4 f  ?5 q# G2 QERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R0R76X1R93 - layer problems5 X2 ~( D( e/ V& L! _# w
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_O0R76X1R93 - layer problems
    3 f' e; E% P. ^) H$ U  @( CERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_S4R40 - layer problems% |: k/ \. ?/ y' v, [% v
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R0R80X0R20 - layer problems
    * f( m6 k( P0 M- e  PERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R0R20X0R80 - layer problems
    ' }0 r( Q% H( _ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_O0R20X0R80 - layer problems
    7 c% A0 j  c: p0 E* HERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R1R00X0R70 - layer problems
    ) C4 m5 ]8 l1 ^' j1 p) \# `4 j1 N- T; bERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack P_C1R00_C1R00_NP - layer problems1 z1 b/ {" w4 f- K% u+ H) |9 h
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack P_C1R40_C1R40_NP - layer problems
    % s; m  r5 [. t/ F& i* sERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R0R76X2R05 - layer problems, f2 D8 {0 g5 T4 C- f9 h6 O% V3 B! I
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R0R70X3R00 - layer problems% B9 G9 h1 h1 ^# O, k
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R1R50X2R30 - layer problems1 Q. }0 @& e% ~
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R0R80X1R20 - layer problems
    ( I6 k9 ?# M2 v+ M8 pERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R1R90X2R50 - layer problems
    : }/ d5 V# `; Z% o1 b" K$ |7 j* G7 WERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R1R016X1R625 - layer problems
    0 w$ H7 `3 X# ^5 t9 R- JERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack P_C1R00_O1R80X2R00 - layer problems
    7 y) |1 O9 b. R/ G$ }ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_C0R80 - layer problems
    ( Y/ I2 P+ p$ q3 n' Q6 MERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_O0R48X1R30 - layer problems$ e) N" u  a% [) R+ ^: r% U
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R0R48X1R30 - layer problems4 {6 B, m1 [: ~5 t7 I: T" b
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack P_C0R75_C0R75_NP - layer problems4 ?7 v6 f& N; y
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R1R20X0R50 - layer problems3 Q2 }9 Q- h$ D3 T( S5 m
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R3R50X4R30 - layer problems
    / Q6 N' Y8 }0 ~/ r; Z0 j2 ~ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_O1R90X0R70 - layer problems
    1 l6 V' N# I  }- z$ @1 M0 PERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R1R90X0R70 - layer problems
    / w1 G; i6 V% u9 T1 h: {ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack P_C0R50_C0R50_NP - layer problems
    ( ~! a( ~0 P$ E$ Z: h/ |4 zERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R2R00X4R00 - layer problems
    ' G9 G0 h6 }  [& A! T2 Q6 cERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_S2R20 - layer problems
    # }3 A+ \* j2 p; {( k/ vERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack S_R2R286X0R508 - layer problems7 Y* c# m, e! \2 H7 F! X
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack P_C0R90_C0R90_NP - layer problems3 X0 [# W/ w2 o, P* H8 B
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack 0402_via - layer problems' v4 d8 |% I9 }1 k1 q3 {, b" e% C" n
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack 0503_via - layer problems
    6 r5 `3 S1 E( `" Q8 sERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack 03502 - layer problems8 G+ T- i. u) C" c
    WARNING: layer internal_pad_def not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!* W: Q2 P9 B2 V0 t. f; i2 u
    WARNING: layer ~TSM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!; a, N% B7 R9 ^% G7 e5 N
    WARNING: layer ~BSM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!) y5 e/ [2 T, E& i, G. a
    WARNING: layer ~TPM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!
    7 g% M# ]6 G! d6 x. ^WARNING: layer ~BPM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!- d0 K# H( G3 ~  ~" \0 R
    WARNING: layer ~TFM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!8 u% ~5 A( _. k# V- o2 }9 }: @
    WARNING: layer ~BFM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!
      h/ X3 q% C: F' R( o
    8 L, U7 n4 P+ L" h5 a# Z7 c) g也遇到上面的问题,哪位大侠帮忙看看怎么解决,谢谢!!!用Allegro 16.3版本的PCB文件,转成PADS VX2.3, 报错。& v0 I! l* C! {6 f. P% v, n" V! Z


    发表于 2020-11-19 01:00 | 只看该作者
    顶上去 谁能解决ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack 0402_via - layer problems5 A& w( ~( e# g1 K0 y6 d' |/ n/ O
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack 0503_via - layer problems( j4 J7 u# [0 a$ ^. Q
    . B( n" r8 ~. Q* F, n' v ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack 03502 - layer problems这问题啊 ?我也遇到这种情况
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-12-8 15:41
  • 签到天数: 159 天


    发表于 2021-4-30 10:03 | 只看该作者
    今天我也转不成功了,求教Techfile conversion failed
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-12-8 15:41
  • 签到天数: 159 天


    发表于 2021-4-30 10:16 | 只看该作者
    Error: Techfile conversion failed!
    ! o5 M3 M" I& {: ^1 E, b+ b- dextracting Layer Stackup3 n5 n1 d# H' ~8 H6 }
    extracting Design Rules7 S. {0 H! F: c8 y
    Deleting Existing Classes File
    : s" w6 _1 m. C; K" vDeleting Existing Props File9 R* i! b- i0 e) X
    Deleting Existing Board Items File
    " k1 o/ `& c2 N# EExporting Electrical Constraints...! ^3 ~) M2 y0 ~0 P% N
    Reading report definition file 'D:/Cadence/SPB_16.6/share/pcb/signal/reports.dat'.
    ' e. q1 L& I3 W0 |Finished reading report definition file successfully.
    5 P) t  s- n2 @9 N! MReading report definition file 'D:/Cadence/SPB_16.6/share/pcb/signal/custom_rep.dat'.
    8 x% Z; @, A) X/ x% KFinished reading report definition file successfully.: s8 h" k! c- m7 J5 s& V! x/ W
    deleting old device files
    6 Z8 ?# m% A8 Nextracting device files4 G' ?7 Z8 Q* v1 r9 R) [
    extracting Net Properties
    6 I/ |, l% C9 iextracting Board Extent6 A# x7 M; J1 ]+ o3 T  t1 l
    extracting padstacks
    ( n6 X7 Z7 ?+ B/ {1 iextracting padstack completed
    8 Q% t1 y; D9 a0 yextracting Placement# ]4 w. P: e) {
    leaving placement
    ) A, f# ^9 _2 Z) {extracting Device Pads
    ) V4 r+ O5 N* l' {devices pads extraction completed3 @  m; s$ \( r% f3 m
    extracting Board Areas
    : C! H7 F$ U+ q, f- C6 CLoading skillExt.cxt
    4 @( W% L( S- ?1 r# ^0 AStarting report...8 E* I8 ~/ p+ I% f( [& n
    report completed successfully, use Viewlog to review the log file.
    # k% _% F+ [4 w& Q8 Lreport completed successfully, use Viewlog to review the log file.( H: j; m/ U5 Z  x8 H  H9 d
    Exporting net information.) O! V: K0 X! U0 Q2 K/ ?
    There are no component properties in this database.
    8 u2 A8 j; Q# m5 Q5 r+ S( ^* ?/ J$ jThere are 203 different net properties in this database.6 A$ w8 E. |9 x" S' c- e
    Hierarchical net constraints have been flattened onto individual nets for export.
    5 E8 V5 X; w" E- C4 e" Q! CThere are 5 different pin properties in this database.2 g7 }4 T2 G3 c# u$ V
    C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/1/DXF_MGC/Work/propdelay_raw.tmp has been created.
    - J$ x/ `) R9 c1 g) LLoading cmds.cxt
    9 A+ Z) @8 Z7 G2 K4 m3 J% O* 143 error(s) generated, view interfacelog.txt- }5 O5 Q+ C2 H' \" q- Y2 x
    C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/1/DXF_MGC/Work/LayoutDB.dfl Output Complete.
    : l3 S! y# i- g5 hGenerating Padstack HKP FIle.7 A3 L, L" G: ]! D6 o
    8 t! e; r! ^# r2 A: yCreate .PAD Definitions.
    0 k* z9 m' d# _+ c: Y* b$ NCreate .HOLE Definitions.9 _5 W/ Y9 i2 N5 _* ^2 B
    Create .PADSTACK Definitions.
    0 q% K' x- v: i% D  C0 h% dGenerating Cell HKP File.
    ' h& ^+ C7 ~0 M4 Q ---------------------------
    6 \4 w, |/ l/ c+ s; |# \& T6 JInfo: Database transaction started.3 [' k4 V% f! k* T! C( m& ?( T7 P
    Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "SOP127P600X155-9L"
    , N$ v1 n' Z0 @/ k; D$ ^% R; XCell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "CAPC3216"8 @) @+ S# j1 v. T$ U1 l7 g% Y
    Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "SOP127P790X200-8L"% O4 u7 n" n, ^5 @2 o; k/ ?
    Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "INDC1608"
    . h0 x! l1 q; c! B- q; dCell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "CON3-2D54_V1"+ r$ b0 r! j) y# f
    Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "CRYSTAL-GND"1 p: d3 H6 s, b" r/ s
    Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "RESC1608"' s) F4 ]1 W- U2 W
    Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "R0201"3 U+ L/ j' L! Y
    Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "SOP127P600X175-16L"* A: V# }9 y% i( Q
    Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "CAPE-2D5-6D3_V0"
    & z  e4 i0 D* G4 M* N* s( bCell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "USBA-H_V1_TP"
    & Q) C& H' t# w! F+ UCell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "TP-1D5"
    $ l2 T4 i# ?# |3 T9 wCell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "CA-MCU-736-H4_V0"
    / A- ~# U: [0 VCell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "QFN68-8X8-E6D4"
    . U2 l+ T$ {4 w  C. {7 w. o: CCell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "CAPE-2D5-5_V0"0 r+ ~' S! E7 G  f
    Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "SOP50P310X110-10L"& a- z/ D" Y- G: L2 y7 ?
    Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "INDWS5X5"6 v# \7 f( M% }
    Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "INDWCM2012"6 g7 X9 ^5 W! Y9 ?' n+ C7 E) p
    Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "CAPC2012"
    . b/ Z5 p' m: [# N* c3 f6 jCell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "RESC2012"3 e0 |8 f1 d8 V& u
    Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "SOT23-5". ~$ N& _$ F5 O6 }3 z, y, o4 J
    Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "QFN16-3X3"
    ) d# P' }" T; T$ C  gCell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "CAPC1005"& D' `( A2 ?7 h0 O) k% R7 }& s! X
    Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol: "SW4-V_V0", ]/ r$ E- L2 @$ {
    Current Symbol: SW4-V_V0
    ! b# s2 w+ h( G/ bCurrent Symbol: IF-02D-MINI_V0_TP
    5 \2 B, I" ^8 |8 KCurrent Symbol: SENSOR-V5 C3 R. x+ l5 f  ?( q: r0 d
    Current Symbol: CAPC1005
    # m' C7 B; v& k# @; UCurrent Symbol: QFN16-3X3* o8 S) x& U- t0 V! L. x) r
    Current Symbol: CON6-2_V1
    & q9 q, t( n- u- m( FCurrent Symbol: SOT23-5
    * L: a$ p; F. G- y# KCurrent Symbol: MARK
      e* v5 \. Y- [; S; ]5 uCurrent Symbol: RESC2012
    ; t. `9 N  `( K/ l) x6 ^Current Symbol: C02019 t8 j) P8 x9 U
    Current Symbol: LL-34' h- R; e$ x- G8 e3 n- L* i
    Current Symbol: CAPC20127 S( K% c; O) U) `, c/ f% x, u3 w
    ' ?  T1 ~& u( `7 j* @' yCurrent Symbol: INDWCM2012# O0 u) o* |( _; Z
    Current Symbol: DCPOWER005-2_V0_TP
    7 v! L7 @" J& c! g5 h' QCurrent Symbol: INDWS5X5: I8 F$ J1 h1 C! j- [* ?
    Current Symbol: SOT223
    8 ~5 Q7 p" K' O" q0 SCurrent Symbol: SOP50P310X110-10L
    ' J& g0 F$ Q. t8 W7 xCurrent Symbol: CAPE-2D5-5_V02 U2 X. u% F+ ?: I& _
    Current Symbol: QFN68-8X8-E6D4
    , t* z6 Z1 o, TCurrent Symbol: SOT230 l; B! @  H3 t' `6 q) i
    Current Symbol: CA-MCU-736-H4_V0
    6 R  y3 E: V) D! W% QCurrent Symbol: TP-1D55 S3 ^8 f# J: J5 T2 G+ W9 [* |
    Current Symbol: USBA-H_V1_TP
    : S( I9 A; _; V; d2 a2 A" `5 e* @Current Symbol: AV-8D4-3-B_V2_TP
    + T1 l' r. ^2 r3 W' R5 jCurrent Symbol: SN_6X6. i2 U8 v; A4 d7 a
    Current Symbol: CAPE-2D5-6D3_V0
    , s8 g5 P  H! N2 t% \  GCurrent Symbol: CON4-2D54_V1
    2 Z8 s( g6 N* g: T; eCurrent Symbol: SOP127P600X175-16L
    2 b: Z* F& [& h, {Current Symbol: R0201* e1 @$ ^5 v2 t+ t% T+ {- s; N; [; Z
    Current Symbol: DFN-102 x, O3 ?1 W1 Z; C
    Current Symbol: SMA
    ! x) S3 E: A& l& p7 x5 ZCurrent Symbol: RESC16087 V5 `, i  L3 W& L: m6 U
    Current Symbol: INDWS4X4- @6 }9 S/ \* m
    Current Symbol: SOT23-6
    ; {0 r0 Y: V+ o! l1 H: LCurrent Symbol: LINEAR_DIMENSION: Y! s6 m2 `+ Q/ \! s
    Current Symbol: CRYSTAL-GND
    : l" ]; ^& `! C3 n: u  ^$ [/ UCurrent Symbol: SCART-A_V2
    4 V4 @( F' B% j1 SCurrent Symbol: CON3-2D54_V1
    / c7 S5 g6 l+ `0 T! e, ?7 HCurrent Symbol: AV3-45_V0_TP
    # |7 Y; N7 Q/ O1 B% O: E" r1 H- f- eCurrent Symbol: INDC1608
    8 E) _" ~7 Q7 e7 Y% rCurrent Symbol: DISPLAY-SINGLEROW_LED-38X10-V% n% h, p/ z6 K
    Current Symbol: HDMI-10D55_V2
    ! y  r( U7 @. I; R' R' J- VCurrent Symbol: SOP127P790X200-8L
    ( l, C' T" u# ICurrent Symbol: CAPC1608/ f0 }' R2 o' t8 h& x% K
    Current Symbol: RESC1005
    : g2 A2 B  i; _3 S- C" A6 [: ?Current Symbol: CAPC3216. r: G* M' a1 e& j$ C3 u
    Current Symbol: SOP127P600X155-9L
    8 q$ O0 q) D$ g6 Z& A/ XRemoving temporarily added symbols.
    ; w# g5 k; q9 Z24 symbols removed.4 M$ [* t) B$ x# i) Q, O: B, F: t
    Creating Net Properties
    . ]8 O0 P8 q+ n- \. _  }Creating Net Class
    - N# Y  r$ ]& s+ Y5 y7 A; R---------------------- Al2Exp summary ----------------------
    * x. s) _0 r6 {* XAl2Exp - 143 error(s), 9 warning(s)' s6 Q4 t* B1 \
    Export log file saved at "C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/1/DXF_MGC\LogFiles\interfacelog.txt" file7 |9 S7 ]& K# s) g6 Q
    Run "show log" command to view log file: K2 e2 S1 j8 d& E  h
    ------------------------------ Done -------------------------------


    发表于 2021-10-14 19:45 | 只看该作者
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-6-8 15:08
  • 签到天数: 9 天


    发表于 2021-10-29 15:55 | 只看该作者
    , j! Y5 b5 q/ `  k7 N; f
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-8-19 15:42
  • 签到天数: 21 天


    发表于 2022-6-11 01:05 | 只看该作者
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack THS-0R9_1R5 - layer problems7 C" h0 q9 H1 X+ Y
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMDS0P5 - layer problems. K, T: a5 ^' S
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_0R3X2R6_REC - layer problems
    ( }% `, ~2 }' T- QERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack OB150_71X83_36D - layer problems( h: X$ _9 M' [' H6 j
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack OB103_63X59_36D - layer problems6 H( E3 l6 y2 @' O5 t5 G0 Y/ [
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_0R3X0R9_REC - layer problems
    $ l: Y+ \7 B- p7 GERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_C0R65_D0R4 - layer problems/ L* Y1 |4 y8 ^
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack HOLE-0R65_mtg - layer problems
    2 N# s% n' Y7 `ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack HOLE_0R65X0R95_OB_mtg - layer problems" {% n! T) {9 P3 N% M
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack OB63_39X43_20D - layer problems
    * b$ L$ h  ]* @* ?# k" V; JERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_1R1X1R8_REC - layer problems' t+ d2 y4 {( |# k
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMDR1P15X1P45 - layer problems1 M9 b; O( i  e+ j' b
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMDR0P8X0P85 - layer problems
    % J0 y! @. |1 j& N6 w5 c. kERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMD36_36 - layer problems
    8 L( W" M1 F$ q! p5 Q& J4 m) A0 KERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMD36_50 - layer problems
    0 ~+ |& t7 ?/ gERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_S0R8 - layer problems
    : R& H3 a7 z  FERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_65X118_R - layer problems! X6 D3 o4 P' y  S- T9 T3 ]' z8 h
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_20X24 - layer problems
    / H( c. ?! F) K! s& B' NERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_14X44 - layer problems
    . g, y* ]  t" c& ~" XERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack OB75_91X28_61D - layer problems
    ( j0 A4 X2 d! |" s- qERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack OB63_47X33_24D - layer problems
    , Y- [- _3 V! A. {ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack RE63_47X33_24D - layer problems
    ( f4 t9 K0 O9 U  O+ D+ AERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack HOLE-1R3 - layer problems. f7 d- G0 X* I/ n6 Y. _: D
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack THC-OR9_1R5 - layer problems: j- D: \! w& i# S0 j- G
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_53X102 - layer problems+ t' F2 G3 f, U4 z7 d& o3 f
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_S34 - layer problems# h! c9 ]2 G: Q9 Y( a) }2 E. ?
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_16X20_R - layer problems  q! h  H: z& Z; D' {
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMD12_35OB - layer problems
    ; b1 g1 f. @  C* L) N$ N3 N/ yERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_S24 - layer problems
    ( V) F+ n: N5 M; h3 Z+ k  X0 tERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_O24X47 - layer problems5 b; L/ f/ H; @  }* G) m3 m" p$ ~
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMDO0P6X1P8 - layer problems: P/ p) A! M0 g8 Y; \8 n- C. t* @
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_1X0D22_R - layer problems% ~1 B( [. u- M' E; W% a
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack THS-2R0_6R3 - layer problems
    % F6 {/ h) \0 @- QERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_8X39 - layer problems/ T9 g7 e3 C- n# r
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_14X62_R - layer problems% a# [7 w5 Y, C( \1 X1 ?; z' h
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack THS-1R5_3R78 - layer problems( ?$ \- ?' N3 u. h) \3 T
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_10X60OB - layer problems
    4 g9 D9 D) h- F3 bERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack THS-2R5_7R75 - layer problems- ?$ Z8 G% J$ s7 x
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_8X25 - layer problems
    4 @/ D7 X% f' d6 ^# `9 cERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_S2R7_D1R2 - layer problems! f5 j" i0 _4 `  V* d
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMD55X10 - layer problems+ |. ]6 R  J7 @2 M: a
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_10X30_OB - layer problems: L/ C8 n& ?0 v3 W
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_S130-CIR59D - layer problems( g6 W7 a5 B8 @# {; V. f
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_12X63_R - layer problems
    / R5 k7 _7 f! r; Q  e4 D  aERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_10X55 - layer problems
    ( @0 u5 O: @4 w( rERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_12X55 - layer problems5 v/ h" ?1 T: z8 ^* X! o% X
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_52X40 - layer problems
    9 v' r" C- H# z& C  [ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack HOLE_3 - layer problems
    4 [3 r  Z5 S* H+ H. ?/ TERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack 4-65MM - layer problems
    ; P1 o7 q/ e* P  zERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack 2-7MM - layer problems
    5 j. O7 Q6 l& m" x. h! kERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack 3MM - layer problems8 D  G; V7 `% A0 H' P) N& r) ]
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack ID-BOARD - layer problems
    8 r2 _; d( _: fERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD315CIR158D - layer problems
      v0 y* R( J0 E1 A0 S& }ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD79CIR40D - layer problems" J; `- c3 _# n% m
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack THC60D40 - layer problems
    ) I4 U/ p$ M. g7 p: VERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack THC80D55 - layer problems+ k# u2 y- t/ p" S
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack OB118_61X79_32D - layer problems
    . u: b$ v0 r$ y3 C% W8 X3 P; w9 d2 J/ vERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack OB118_55X79_24D - layer problems0 I- c2 `5 \2 o0 X) P
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMDS2P4 - layer problems
    1 T6 w: v' |9 ~3 @ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_S3R0_D1R4 - layer problems! [* I7 n' a! B) v9 R: W$ ^
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack OB208_81X118_31D - layer problems
    2 w" D2 C2 ^1 |( nERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack OB150_71X80_31D - layer problems  E* N: [: `' G. `! v: @3 I
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack VIA-GEN_12_24_via - layer problems: q) z9 W3 g; v" p- @4 P/ U* \4 K
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack VIA-GEN_16_28_DBFIX1_via - layer problems
    ( q; V- Y% J( e7 Z  a1 \( C- m# oERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack VIA-GEN_14_28_via - layer problems
    ! {9 V6 ]) }- x1 k' KERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack VIA10-20_GEN_via - layer problems$ v) O3 m2 K4 q$ Z+ ^- ~/ Y
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_40X71 - layer problems
    ' y, L: H  D- ]# P# `$ w3 _ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_28X36_R - layer problems; G' r, \( ?2 p4 K( U
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMD10X55 - layer problems
    4 K3 A8 l, z- b& a, n8 rERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack VIA-GEN_16_28_via - layer problems; ]% m& t, ~' T4 d3 x
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack OB70_50X50_25D - layer problems
    3 N0 }4 Y, O% B5 [3 y2 F9 kERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack RE70_50X50_25D - layer problems
    5 k3 M: M; j  d- p: q3 pERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_S2R7 - layer problems* I) P8 h7 }! ~* ]' W/ F
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_2R7X3R2_REC - layer problems" Q3 Q7 E& ~% S7 ?2 f& Y. h( G, D
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_0R3X1R7_REC - layer problems5 L; v7 [  \/ \9 u% p6 n
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack THS-1R2_6R3 - layer problems
    # ^* a: n2 L: C, n% h( a/ [ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack THS-1R2_3R78 - layer problems4 @' `. l, O5 C/ A6 `- a* b
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_50X60 - layer problems
      F4 x! ~2 g# z$ KERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_10X42 - layer problems
    5 m' _2 H* X; N& S  lERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack PAD_S8_VIA2R5 - layer problems
    3 N* e2 _4 K5 KERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack SMDR0P6X1P8 - layer problems9 s* G+ w* `7 C/ w+ c/ [
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack HOLE_C4R2-D2R5 - layer problems
    ! i3 T) o, Z% W( K! f, g4 aERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack VIA-GEN_14_28_via - layer problems
    ; X: g( v4 k2 O) P! c) L5 ?ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack VIA-GEN_12_24_via - layer problems
    8 r& D. _+ [! q4 Z- P# |ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack VIA-GEN_16_28_via - layer problems  |/ P; ^3 ~& ]4 h2 n* G" F  b
    WARNING: layer internal_pad_def not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!
      F7 j' i. `0 ]4 R- s+ `WARNING: layer ~TSM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!# g6 f* {. l" k. L& j. J% N
    WARNING: layer ~BSM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!% l) F1 M: f' {/ Z9 L5 N
    WARNING: layer ~TPM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!3 I' L9 @$ Q/ l6 [& K
    WARNING: layer ~BPM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!, L% D2 [. D3 }) L) i
    WARNING: layer ~TFM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!
    & i. `  r, @# a$ F8 r  h1 QWARNING: layer ~BFM not found in layer table.  Check the Allegro cross-section!
    & f7 y$ c" @* ]0 U) c: B3 H1 L, [& A/ w. a/ b$ r- B2 t
    都是有问题。软件为PADS VX2.3 和ALLEGRO PCB 16.6


    请教下有方法解决问题嘛?我导入提示层不匹配,不晓得怎么解决  详情 回复 发表于 2022-6-29 22:00
  • TA的每日心情

    2022-12-29 15:40
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2022-6-29 22:00 | 只看该作者
    szkalwa 发表于 2022-6-11 01:05  J/ ~, W6 V2 l9 ]; E' R# \6 C# b; r
    ERROR: Unable to issue shapes for padstack THS-0R9_1R5 - layer problems
    1 }" m- r% w, {* GERROR: Unable to issue shap ...

    & M' l* w: ]( |( g% W请教下有方法解决问题嘛?我导入提示层不匹配,不晓得怎么解决
    5 j& ?* x8 G: @9 O. e4 {- Z0 c( Y


    搞定了。打开16.6时,不要选GXL,要选XL这个。 进入再去操作就OK了! 输入粘贴:skill load "D:\\spb_data\\pcbenv\\dfl_main.il" 回车后,返回t, 最后输入 main out 点转换, 如下图无错误即为OK! 哎,折腾这  详情 回复 发表于 2022-7-20 14:11
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-8-19 15:42
  • 签到天数: 21 天


    发表于 2022-7-20 14:11 | 只看该作者
    peng2016 发表于 2022-6-29 22:00
    & j$ S( R7 O* u: v0 @请教下有方法解决问题嘛?我导入提示层不匹配,不晓得怎么解决
    , ?0 e5 u0 \5 }
    / z8 C; @+ W% R进入再去操作就OK了!
    1 Y7 b  t  ]4 k- I! W输入粘贴:skill load "D:\\spb_data\\pcbenv\\dfl_main.il" 回车后,返回t,+ a% g/ N& h) T4 ?( t6 x/ A
    最后输入 main out 点转换,
    ) t! t3 L: x+ p, P+ F  i如下图无错误即为OK!+ A( S* H* R; j. O8 c4 c# ?0 T
    8 G" E4 s6 ]$ R- A* a- o; j# }; r . K1 c. d( W  p- i- {7 h


    我也是勾选的XL,也是导不进去,奇了怪了  详情 回复 发表于 2022-7-21 09:35
  • TA的每日心情

    2022-12-29 15:40
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2022-7-21 09:35 | 只看该作者
    szkalwa 发表于 2022-7-20 14:11/ p2 \& w- |1 P4 ~1 x% d* z" C
    * y2 x( m, O# j4 M- q/ K进入再去操作就OK了!% d  L9 S- k/ b
    输入粘贴:skill load "D:\\spb_d ...

    # g* ]; ]0 B/ X我也是勾选的XL,也是导不进去,奇了怪了
    * B: }! q7 C: d


    文件路径弄短一点,比如D:\SPB_Data 下面建个英文的文件夹即可 另外注意PADS导入时 BRD文件格式,下拉会有二个 brd后缀的,刚开始我搞错,不小心选成另一个Eagle的! [attachimg]353566[/attachimg]  详情 回复 发表于 2022-7-25 09:57
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-8-19 15:42
  • 签到天数: 21 天


    发表于 2022-7-25 09:57 | 只看该作者
    peng2016 发表于 2022-7-21 09:35
    9 a4 @0 }- w( d0 w# J1 `, e我也是勾选的XL,也是导不进去,奇了怪了

    * _5 n! O! A: ?! T( Y文件路径弄短一点,比如D:\SPB_Data  下面建个英文的文件夹即可
    # m  }' e9 d( I1 I1 [另外注意PADS导入时 BRD文件格式,下拉会有二个 brd后缀的,刚开始我搞错,不小心选成另一个Eagle的!
    + }+ d" }! q( A% Y
    2 c: c; p) N; r9 g% Z
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